Nov 2001
1 / 5
Nov 2001
Nov 2017

howdy - help, i cant bind, apparently i previously bound the geometry at a different position, so not i cant bind the skin, ii get this error.
Error: Skin on LSHoulder was bound at a different pose. Go to the bindPose to attach new skins.
Except that there is no bond pose i know of because nothing is bound.
Also got the message and rebuilt the whole skeliton, so this is a fresh skeliton, nothing ever been bound to it. Please if anyone knows whats going on, im pretty stumped, and bummed. THanks, Russ

  • created

    Nov '01
  • last reply

    Nov '17
  • 4


  • 6.5k


  • 4


  • 2


Look at the nodes in the hypergraph.. if there ia a node that says bindpose.. delete it. Then you should bable to bind at the pose you wish.


Thanks Gmask,
i just made another one, (bindpose2) couldent find the old one? go figure. Thanks Much, Russ

Thank you, Gmask. It worked like a charm. BTW I work with a guy with a flatulence problem also.

16 years later

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