I am fairly new to MAYA and have been trying to make a simple Ferris wheel animation using rigid bodies and the timeline.
For the prototype I have made a simple big wheel using the taurus and cylinder polygons and boolean union'd them all together and centered the pivot. This was then set to a passive rigid body.
I then made a simple car to 'hook' on to the Ferris wheel by extruding faces from a cube and set this as an active rigid body and added a gravity field to it before positioning it in the appropriate place on the Ferris wheel.
When tested on the timeline the car falls an almost imperceptible amount and rests on the Ferris wheel bar. All well and good.
However when I try an animate the Ferris wheel; the car, for a moment, falls THROUGH any bars that get in its way and then flies off to the side.
To make the wheel rotate I am simply selecting it then keying the first frame using s then going to the very last frame, which I have set as 3600, and changing the wheels Rotate Z to 720 and again pressing s.
The wheel rotates fine but as I've explained the rigid bodies no longer interact in the way I thought they would.
Please help. What am I doing wrong?
Any and all help appreciated.
Here is a copy of my maya file: