Hey there guys, how you doing?
I was wondering if you could help me out with the following error regarding the script for Maya that has been discussed. I am very eager to get this working as my current frame render works considerable faster than Maya batch render which doesn't even load. I am running Maya 2011 x64.
In the script editor I have input the following:
// Batch rendering workaround - John Mather (NextDesign)
string $filename = "ContainmentSHOT1 2";
string $cameraName = "Test:SHOT1";
int $startFrame = 108;
int $endFrame = 234;
string $directory = (workspace -q -rd
+ "images/");
for ($i = $startFrame; $i <= $endFrame; $i++)
currentTime $i;
// Old version
// render -x getAttr defaultResolution.width
-y getAttr defaultResolution.height
// New version - supports MR and other renderers!
renderWindowRender redoPreviousRender renderView;
string $concatFilename = $directory + $filename + "." + $i;
if (getApplicationVersionAsFloat
>= 2011)
// Thanks to nowayfra on creativecrash for his workaround
catch(eval(renderWindowSaveImageCallback ("render view", $concatFilename, getAttr defaultRenderGlobals.imageFormat
renderWindowSaveImageCallback ("render view", $concatFilename, getAttr defaultRenderGlobals.imageFormat
print ("Saved " + $concatFilename + "\n");
print ("Completed rendering of " + ($endFrame - $startFrame) + " frames.\n");
When I input this into the Mel script the following error comes up:
// Error: renderWindowEditor: Object 'renderView' not found. //
And so I attempted executing it in Python, however only to be greeted with this error message:
# Error: SyntaxError: invalid syntax #
If anyone could possibly help me out with this then I'd greatly appreciate it. I only have a little of a week left to get all this rendered for my final year at university and Maya batch render isn't playing nice. The script would be a dream come true if anyone could help me get it working.
Cheers guys