Hey ya'll, stuck on a project if anyone has a solution =)
I'm attempting to create space objects using particles (such as nebulae, and a recreation of the star trek I cloud: http://sadpanda.us/images/1557863-XP8NHPC.png) by way of fractal art images, to capture their chaotic shape. I can get the shape into particles with a particle cloud shader, but I can't seem to get the effect to look quite right and of high quality.
Is there any way or thing i could try out?
I also thought about using the cloud shader instead of particle cloud shader to create crisper clouds, but does that still allow the use of per particle colour?
examples i'm currently at:
nebula: http://sadpanda.us/images/1557996-GPB6Q6G.png
cloud: http://sadpanda.us/images/1557989-SK61N7V.png
cloud: http://sadpanda.us/images/1557990-5WAK0BJ.jpeg
Compared to that star trek screenshot, something is missing but i just can't get my head around it haha.
Cheers =)