Hi. I’m liquidating a professional Hollywood library and currently have listed a number of books and related materials on Puppets and Puppetry at auction on eBay. There are many out-of-print volumes on Bunraku, Butoh, Marionettes, Super-Marionation, Animatronics, Muppets, Dwiggins, Baird and Taymor. Also a selection on vocal technique, the Circus, Side Shows and freaks. Please have a look. There’s 95 items, 2 pages of stuff. Click on ‘See other items’ for full manifest. Lot includes one of Miss Piggy’s ears from The Muppet Movie and a fax letter from Paul Williams claiming Piggy is having their child. Please have a look. Thanks! ~S.~ http://www.ebay.com/itm/171116387052?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&\_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 Item Number: 171116387052 Thanks! ~S.~