Ok even the name still an issue but I can move on...
here is my script for now:
string $sel_geo[] = (`ls -sl -type "geometry"`);
string $sel_mat[] = (`ls -sl -type "lambert"`);
shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -name "MINUS_111";
shadingNode -asUtility remapColor -name "Remap_111";
setAttr "MINUS_111.operation" 2;
connectAttr -f ( $sel_geo[0] + ".CTRL_transparency" ) MINUS_111.input1D[0];
connectAttr -f ( $sel_geo[0] + ".CTRL_transparency" ) MINUS_111.input1D[1];
setAttr MINUS_111.input1D[0] 1;
connectAttr -f MINUS_111.output1D Remap_111.colorR;
connectAttr -f MINUS_111.output1D Remap_111.colorG;
connectAttr -f MINUS_111.output1D Remap_111.colorB;
connectAttr -f Remap_111.color ( $sel_mat[0] + ".transparency" );
Nothing wrong when run this, but somehow it stop after the nodes created.
I need to have a "step2" script to connect them
here is the step2:
string $sel_geo[] = (`ls -sl -type "geometry"`);
string $sel_mat[] = (`ls -sl -type "lambert"`);
//shadingNode -asUtility plusMinusAverage -name "MINUS_111";
//shadingNode -asUtility remapColor -name "Remap_111";
setAttr "MINUS_111.operation" 2;
setAttr MINUS_111.input1D[0] 1;
connectAttr -f ( $sel_geo[0] + ".CTRL_transparency" ) MINUS_111.input1D[1];
connectAttr -f MINUS_111.output1D Remap_111.colorR;
connectAttr -f MINUS_111.output1D Remap_111.colorG;
connectAttr -f MINUS_111.output1D Remap_111.colorB;
connectAttr -f Remap_111.color ( $sel_mat[0] + ".transparency" );
Any idea why causing that?