For some reason, I can't seem to figure out how to create a bump map for a material using a procedural texture (2d or 3d) in XSI 2.0. Whenever I connect a 'bumpmap' or a 'bumpmap generator' node with the texture attached to either the bump channel of the surface shader or bumpmap channel of the material node, the specular highlight of the surface shifts in very strange ways, as if the surface normal is being altered incorrectly by the bump map. Could someone please post a detailed description of how to set up a render tree for creating bump maps of procedural textures, pointing out any differences between using 2d and 3d textures. I'm a maya user, and it's really easy to do this in maya. Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems a lot harder to do in xsi. Mental ray is unbelievably fast though!