The manual suggests the following:
"You can fine-tune the rendering speed by experimenting with maximum leaf sizes of 1 to 10 and maximum tree depths of 20 to 27. When rendering with the verbose option , the size of the largest leaf node (before rendering) and the number of candidate triangles per ray (after rendering) is reported. If these numbers are much larger than 10, you should try to build a deeper BSP tree by setting a larger BSP Maximum Depth such as 30 or higher. This can have a dramatic effect on rendering speed. When there are more triangles than can be stored in the BSP tree of the specified depth and leaf size, the maximum leaf size is ignored, so large leaves can result even if it is set to a small number."
here is a part of a verbose message..
-"RC 0:1 info : 76800 pixels 0.033 ms"
'INFO : "RC 0.1 debug: rendering finished"
'INFO : "RC 0:1 info : 30765 samples 0.081 ms 0.40 / pixel"
'INFO : "RC 0:1 info : 30765 rays 0.081 ms 0.40 / pixel 1.00 / sample"
'INFO : "RC 0:1 info : ray type number"
'INFO : "RC 0:1 info : eye 30765"-
My question is :which of this information is the "size of the largest leaf node (before rendering) and the number of candidate triangles per ray (after rendering) " i'm looking for to check if they r bigger than 10?!!
thanks in advance