-The Size Object Reference: the point is not make it, but maya and MR to use it!
Somebody has to make it, be it you, your mom or as in this case your suggesting autodesk. If you get autodesk to do it they will do it somehow in a unsatisfactory way from your point of view.
Thing is you only need to make it once and reuse it, if you have many friends who need the same feature only ONE fo you needs to make it. Its cheaper and better that way. I'd rather have autdoesk do something meaningfull taht i can in no way myself affect, such as making it possible for nodes to pass trough component data partially untouched. Thsi gives us more tools to do the small stuff, since we can never ever be able to do this.
PS: a renderer like MR has no real concept of scale because optical effects work the same at any scale.
-Two bump maps for regular materials: ok but i'd like to do that with 1 click !
Yeah sure, but then how would that work? I mean as its now i can make it 4 clicks but have no idea how to make it one click without always forcing 2 bumps of type i dont want. (four clicks as in, i want to make bump, winch bump, i want to make a bump, which bump. Besides what about all the people who need 3 bumps)
As it is now its 6 clicks so there's sure performance increase to do it faster. But yes its pretty easy to add a button to the ae template to add a second bump to the chain. No big deal. The problem is if you allways start to do this kind of fixing you end up with infinite amount of work. Next thing they want is same feature for color, specular etc. Mind you not thet it cant be done, its there already after all.
Now the thing thats hard to pinpoint is when is the functionality such that all users are happy with how it works and yet not distracted by the function. So if you have a GOOD explanation if how it would work out then thats a different issue.
And then at the end of the day why not ask for a make my work button?
-UV minimum distance: Ok may exist but would be nice to have it in maya.
that's the exact point of all of this, if your not willing to exert effort to use something that exists but is not shipped iwth program X then its stands to reason that you wouldn't use program X either because its not doing all of the work for you.
You have to understand that mileage varies quite much, and the ONLY way to be on top of the game is to make sure the functions you need are there. At the end of the day you clients dont care, and clearly because your using maya you dont care enough.
So the addition has to be something thats really useful fro both you and me on some metric of fair. Sure I understand that usability is a n issue to some extent. But you know mayas not exactly your average consumer application. All prosumer applications have more or less peorblems of this kind, simply because they are not stupefied to the death.