then if I get a picture or texture, it slit up into diffuse blend, and ambien blend. Then when i open up those two blend. They are breaking down as "base color", "color", "weight".
Alright, first of all. what are those mean.....
This is a layer system. Each entry that is a color is a layer. For instance, if you plug something in the Color_1 input, what's in that input will be on top of the Base_Color. The Weight indicates the amount of transparency for the corresponding layer. If you put a white color, the layer will be fully visible, and if you put black, the layer will be fully invisible.
2nd, i have a color map. What i usually do is just plug into "color" of the diffuse and ambien blend. Did i do wrong?
No, you did right. But if you do not intend to put anything else on top of this texture, remove the Diffuse_blend and Ambient_blend nodes, and plug the texture directly into the Diffuse and Ambiant inputs of the surface shader node.
3rd. I have a diffuse map (everyone knows what is it right? i am not quite sure, after i read Leigh's tutorial in cgtalk.com, i get more confuse. but anyways, as my understanding. Diffuse map is to control the intensity of a color map. Well... am i right? or wrong?) Where do i apply this diffuse map. should it plug into diffuse base? weight? or add an extra node.. i don't know.
My advice is to use an Intensity node (Node > Image processing > Intensity). Plug the texture map into the input of the Intensity node, and plug the Intensity node into the Diffuse input of the surface shader node.
With this you are not required to use a "diffuse map".
But if you want to combine several texture with a Blend or Mix node, then the diffuse map has to be plugged into the Weight inputs of those nodes.
Hope this helps
Salutations - Cheers
Bernard Lebel