So I have this 4 joint setup for my upper limb (shoulder, elbow, forearrm and wrist).
i am trying to make an Ik Fk snap. I already hae 3 setups for this. (Fk, Ik and Bind)
My problem is that I already have an expression for my wrist and forearm twist, giving connection to my forearm.rotateX., thus, when I execute a script for the Fk-Ik Snap. I always have a problem since the connection on the forearm.rotX is blocking my script's forearm.rotX function.
To put my question, is there a way for me to do an Ik-Fk snap to a 4 joint setup that has a connection from an expression?
Also, extra question, What would be the most efficient way to make a customized attribute for Ik Fk snap? for ctrl attributes purposes.
Thanks and sorry for a complicated question.