QUOTE(kurokawa @ 04/30/06, 03:20 AM) [snapback]235862[/snapback]
Personally, I have never heard of someone animating a movie in polygons. SubDs are far better for this. As for polycount, it depends on a couple of things. How heavy in detail are you going to go? What about your scene? Are you going to add every little detail you can think of? How much detail can your computer handle?
Well you know theres teh thing, subds in pretty much all renderers except prman are described as polygons (even reyes renderes do POLYGONS out fo them but thats debatable).
Anyway thing its often uderstood that sicne polygons and subs are so close to eachother the same convetion goes. So if one talks about polycount for subd models one iether refeers to the basecages polycount (yes its a polygon), or then one refeers to the render count.
Anyway, polygons are indeed used because i distictly remeber that the millenimu falcon in remade old starwars was amde entirely of polygons. alo buildings quite often are this too.
So while they probably are subds of somekind like here its a polysmooth (only teh baser cage is needed), its still a polygon so the metric can be said to be polycount. Polygon or not.