I would be delighted to!
# NOTE: pymel.all is for backwards compatibility. don't use.
import pymel.core as pm
import maya.cmds as mc
# MC PART ================
mcCube = mc.polyCube(name="mcCube")
pmCube = pm.polyCube(name="pmCube")
# COMPARE / EVAL mcCube and pmCube
# Result: [u'mcCube', u'polyCube1'] #
# Result: [nt.Transform(u'pmCube'), nt.PolyCube(u'polyCube2')] # We'll talk about these later.
# TASK GET worldspace VERT LOCATION OF vert 5
# MC GET vert 5 position
mcCubeVert5 = "%s.vtx[5]" % mcCube[0]
# or just put it into the command
mcCubeVert5wsp = mc.xform("%s.vtx[5]"%mcCube[0],ws=True,t=True,q=True)
#EVAL RESULTS: a list of 3 floats
# HOW DID YOU know to use xform to get the value? experience? google? other people's code?
# out of the 3000 commands in maya.cmds, how did you know to use xform?
# HELP ISN'T GOING TO HELP YOU on an mc node -- you can't do help on maya.cmds objects
# as you can in other python objects
help(mcCube[0]) # class unicode. useless
# you just had to have a good knowledge of MEL or maya.cmds or internet access
# you could try the getAttr command but you have to add the "Shape" part and it won't return worldspace position.
# NOW LETS do the same thing with pymel
# HELP DOESN"T REVEAL MUCH but see does! And we'll use help later so it's not done yet.
# NOTICE all of the commands you can run on a pm cube.
# you can get it's bounding box, shape node, namespace it's in, a bunch of cool stuff we'll get back to
# and is USEFUL, unlike unicode methods
# USE THE getShape method to get the shape node
pmCubeShape = pmCube[0].getShape()
pmCubeVert5 = pmCubeShape.vtx[5]
# SEE WHAT YOU CAN FIND ON the vert for position
# FOUND getPostion -- run help on that method
# USE THE space arg to get the right value
pmCubeVert5wsp = pmCubeVert5.getPosition(space='world')
# ALL IN ONE LINE easily readable:
pmCubeVert5wsp = pmCube[0].getShape().verts[5].getPosition(space='world')
# AND returns a type dt.Point which inherits from dt.Vector which can immediately be used
# in vector or matrix calculations without having to create a new vector attr
# and the result is a pymel object too so it has methods like .length() to get the distance
# from an implicit origin.
mcCubeVert5wsp = mc.xform("%s.vtx[5]"%mcCube[0],ws=True,t=True,q=True)
# each object in pymel has the methods you need to perform the desired task.
# instead of just getting a string back for all your efforts.