interesting, i didn't think about that.
As far as it regards the nvidsia configuration, i think i followed all the necessary steps, and i modified the xorg.conf file and looking at the log it seems i am running the 64 bit driver of my quadro fx 3400 adapt.
so it is not possible to use a good 32 bit lib under a 64 bit os couse all the libs are optimized to work in the 64 bit configuration,.....i presume!
but another thing i really hate is this:
i have a wacom tablet, configured always via xorg.conf, that is giving me problems, couse each time i have to switch the window i am working in (persp or front) i have to raise the pen up to press the spacebar, and i did not find any suggestion on how to fix this.....that is slowing very much me....
then ...i.e. if i have the ouliner open, but lowered in the bar....clicking again on the outline icon do not open it again like in windows but i have to go searching for it in the bar....loosing precius time when i have a customer on my side.....
So i'd like going on working on linux couse i like it very much, but i'd lkike to find a solution to all this little but very important details.
if you or someone else can help me solving this i would really appreciate....i am ready too to install a 32 bit version as i have time....
bye...and hope to hear from u good advice;)