hey everyone,
after messing around (intensively) in maya and zBrush i felt comfortable enough to begin my own project.
since zBrush creates such great monsters, i decided to creat a suite of miniature monster movie monsters.
Starting with The Mummy.
anyhow, here's a concept sketch and a couple renders.
my biggest question is this: i would like to match the bandages to my sketches more accurately. kinda baffled as to how to get them to wind over and under each other. any help and/or criticism would be great.
keep in mind, i have started the project over from scratch (made some fundamental modeling blunders) so the displacement maps are not as they will be in my final render. these pics are test renders. just finished re-UVing my new model and am in the process of zBrushing. i'll post as soon as i get some more renders.
thanks again. hope y'all will like 'em.