I am working on a musical project which requires animation of several CG characters in a live setting, similar to a live Gorillaz set. Ideally, myself and assistants would animate chars via mo cap controls or some sort of game engine and project this in real time for audience interaction during the set.
I would like some insight or direction since I have never committed to studying all the different techniques for live animation (I was primarily involved in animation for TV and film). I have some game dev experience, study wise but not practical. Plus this is low budget, like $5k - 10K USD for system (wince).
I can co opt anything from a game engine or machinima to motion capture... I dread machinima b/c the last I saw, the low res quality would not work for this type of performance. I need mid to hi res if thats even possible yet. The target is something similar to what Damon Albarn did for the 2006 Gorillaz / Madonna Grammy performance.
Also need insight on projection techniques, holography, pepper's ghost, disney theme park live animation... any help anyone can toss in relevant would be appreciated!!!