I loved maya 3.0s hypershade (among some other things).
primarily, because you had a central material management, with all shaders in one place.
Anything similar possible in XSI ??? Right now, I
Rather than copying "phenomena" to all objects that wish to share a rendered effect, select your objects and put them into a group then apply your phenomena to the group node. All the group members will then inherit the phenomena as if they were applied individually.
Matt LindAnimator / Technical DirectorSoftimage certified instructor: Softimage|3D Softimage|XSIspeye_21@hotmail.com
you can also order your hierarchie, select an object in branchmode and apply the material, it will be share to the childrens
I forgot that grouping in XSI is NO hirarchical ordering (under a null-object)...silly me. I guess this also takes care of the problem with a newly applied material always showing the "wrong" (unwanted) texture-channel (instead of rgb)...
XSI has hierarchical ordering under null objects, and you can organize "hierarchies" in this way however you want - see this in the explorer or other windows. It's just that a "group" is a special definition for a set of objects that receive shared rendering attributes - in much the same way that you could select several objects in Maya and assign them all to the same shading group (not affecting the hierarchies there either!)