Hey Everybody,
I have a Maya fluid question,
Trying to use the input pressure option under incandescence, but batch rendering doesn't see that part of the cache. The sim's motion works prefect, just the incandescence input is not there.
All other input types work; density, fuel, temperature, speed, ..., except pressure.

The GPU, Maya's Play Blast, Render View and sequential software rendering all works great
like you expect.
But batch rendering on local machines with multi procs and on a network farm, the incandescence is broken.
Render, samples the first color in the ramp and then remains the same through out the sim.
Also closing the scene and opening it back up the cached incandescence is broken.
Disable the cache advance a frame, the color pops back in, then enable cache and it back until the scene is closed.

This is in Maya 2011 & 2012.
2012 has added pressure and pressure bias settings to Content Details: temp and density, but still no go.
What am I missing. Scouring the internet and maya docs for awhile now.
Thanks for your help.