I have a plug in my custom mesh node called "input_cpList"("inputComponents"), which is dealing with data type, MFnComponentListData::kComponentList; where I am trying to assigne value from a mesh selected in Maya interface.
But i do not know which plug of Mesh ShapeNode should be connected to "input_cpList""("inputComponents"). I want to get all polygon IDs.
So far I have MFnMesh data inside compute function from the selected mesh in Maya. I am not sure which plug or attribute of Mesh shape node is dealing with polygon component data(specially Polygon IDs stored in), so I can directly connect that attribute, with "input_cpList" attribute of my custom node in MEL or API. Hope I could explain my question.
Many thanks in Advance. Please help.
inputMesh = typeAttr.create(
"inputMesh", "inMesh", MFnData::kMesh,&stat );
input_cpList = typeAttr.create(
"inputComponents", "ics",