Modelling to real world scale in Maya - Solution found
CGTalk / Software / Autodesk Maya
2 Days Ago
Modelling to real world scale in Maya - Solution found
Hi all,
This is not a question. This is to share my knowledge in Maya.
I've heard most people who use Maya say that it's impossible to work with real world scale in Maya with imperial units. They argue that maya is not programmed to do such kind of work and so they ought to use 3ds Max for real world scale.
Some people say it's possible to do real world scale and all they do is use the measure tool or have a reference image.
As an architectural designer I struggled a lot to find a solution for this and I'm glad to say that I've found a perfect solution for this.
I have done a tutorial on this and I'm sure it will be of help to all architecture modellers who use Maya.
Check it out in the link below
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