Hello guys
I have a problem concerning texturing.
I have an object that needs multiple holes in it, made with maps that drive the transparency. I have opted for this instead of doing a boolean difference because my mesh will be subdivided later on, and as you all know boolean operations can create one hell of a mess sometimes...
Anyway, at the moment I have 2 grayscale textures applied to my mesh, both using its own projection. The thing is, I have to use a color mixer in order to plug multiple 'color nodes' in my material. So I did that, but I can never seem to have 100% transparency from my textures. I have tried to adjust the weight in the color mixer, but it doesn't work. My textures don't overlap, by the way. I have tried playing with the modes of the layers (Mix, Add, Screen, etc.) but it doesn't change much. I always seem to have an either totally transparent object, or having one texture to be opaque, etc... Anyway, I'd appreciate if anyone could help me out with the color mixer and transparencies, because it's not really clear and I've wasted enough time already.. 
Thanks in advance
SI-Freak aka Jean-Francois Bouchard
Softimage|XSI Modelling / Lighting Artist