Hello everyone, I am a visual effects student and i have just created my face model in 3dsMax, regarding a computer game character, now i need some proffesional feedback , can you guys please help ?
"I will appriciate any comments"
My head model in UDK
Model in 3ds max
Best Regards
Georgios the eyes look too far apart, try pulling them in a bit towards the bridge of the nose, it looks a bit unnatural. Put your finger up to your nose and follow it down to your eye, the corner is pretty straight down to the lacrimal caruncle (bump on the corner of your eye). Every character is different but this is what I noticed immediately. The zbrush mesh had some odd bumps/hole on the small of the characters back, his ass looks weird, the crack shouldnt come up that high. Hope some feedback helps, great work and rock on...........
The feedback was very helpfull, I have changed the shape of the eye a bit and its looks much better,
I am glad that you like it in a general point, made me feel to work harder..!
Thanks a lot for the reply Sean !