i would like to convert stl file to ma format using maya.i have more then 1000 files.in maya i want do scale,rortate
Quadragulate,soft and harden,seperate process for all models same rotate and scale value.
i have code for rotate,sclae,Quarts,Soft and harden,seperate in mel script.
scale -r 0.002 0.002 0.002;
rotate -r -eu 0 90 90 ;
polyQuad -a 30 -kgb 0 -ktb 1 -khe 0 -ws 1 -ch 1;
polySoftEdge -a 30 -ch 1;
polySeparate -ch 1 Key:polySurfaceShape1;
i need mel script for maya auto load one by one stl file from my local disk import into maya and save ma file i desired location with these action rotate,sclae,Quarts,Soft and harden,seperate,centre pivot,history delete.
i dont have any script knowledge.i am using maya 2016
i hope convey what i require with my poor english knowledge.
kindly help me...if i got help from you its is biggest thing in my carrier.
Thanks For Advance.