Hi Scott - choice of package is a very personal thing. Have a think about the industry you want to go into and then phone around and get a feel for what people are using in your area of expertese. Over the years I've floated between Lightwave, 3D Studio Max and Maya. 3D Studio Max and Maya are arguably the most popular choices and you can download trial versions of either from Autodesk. Try both and see which you get on with!
I currently use Maya but if you're planning to go it alone you may be better of with Max - although there are thousands that would argue otherwise
- The which is best question really is a minefield! Get yourself a couple of books, look through the tutorials on this site and have a bit of fun.
I'd suggest Polygon modelling before you try NURBS modelling! I say this becasuse a lot of hardcore car modellers like NURBS but it's pretty hardcore for a total newby and you'll just get frustrated!
Most importanatly = Get stuck in!