Well it seems reasonable that they would doesnt it. However form a developpers standpoint the problem is slightly different. Users will complain, thats given, you quite literary can not win in this regrd if you have more than 10 clients. So a complaint doesnt really make a difference as fara a developper is concerned.
Second Its very hard for developpers to know what the actual tool is one need to make. Users andt allways the best possible source of information in this regard. Super cool and good things dont come out of doing what users ask. Mainly because users think like something now wnhen you make it the situation is different. a lot odf dev has been lost this way. Theres entire shelves of engineering lore that basically says dont do it like this, it dont work.
Third its assumed thet you can make some of your tools yourself. This is a design of maya, they dont even attempt to fullfill all your needs, because your needs are different form others.
But the most important reaseon why they probably didnt do this is that theres other things that were deemed to bring even more money in. It happens you know, theres reallly no big money in this. Like you sais you had a script, wel yes its perfectly scriptable to suit your workflow. It gives you more that way, but more importantlly it frees autodesk devs to do things you COULD NOT SCRIPT. So it actually better if they keep doing that, and let us worry about the scripting and easy tasks.
In fact this is about the first node and corresponding context i ever made. So i see the value. However when i showed it to people it wasnt really all that well taken, seems to me its actually rare for people to realize the benfit of this.
well to be totally honest the script is probably less than 4 minutes of work to fix. Any chance we can see the script? Or ateleast what the error is.