point here is that extrude will not be applied symmetrically...
Huh? you must have different maya than i do*.
It will, provided that your uv map is also symmetrical and you use local mode. So yes you can get it to work symmetrically.
cause it is simply convenient, you can see how shape looks like and you can tweak just one side.
but if I have object like on pic (which is not separated in the middle)
Just do a fork in history? It doenst have to be separated in the middle. Its still as convenient.
now there are apps which can do that easy way
but thenagain they dont have history to go back on. maya does symmetry for most tools just as long as your selection is symmetrical also. But yes you can do fork or tell maya to repeat on opposite side things taht dont work out. But basically all you ask for is there allready its just the kind os stuff you get whan one doesnt understand WHY your implementing stuff.
- ahh spoke too soon you DO have a differet maya than i do normal maya doesnt reflect face selections. OK its easy to fix now how do i ull this one out without breaking a contract.... hmm. This is what you get for asking autodesk to do the tool for you
Ill look into rewriting this once i get time to do so. Maybe once my current employment ends. This is pretty trivial.