Hi Alex,
The velocity is fairly straight forward to get.
You need to capture the original particle's velocity.
Then you need to transfer it properly to the emit command.
Maya is silly because velocity is a vector and the emit uses a floating point array - not a vector.
You create a floating point array:
vector $vel = velocity; string $emitcmd = "emit (blah) -v $vel.x $vel.y $vel.z (blah";
That's a start.Width at emission.... you could start with an offset on the emission.Then apply a volume axis force (VAF) that the particles enter - that follows whatever abject that is emitting, and make your away from center a negative value - so that the arrows point inward. Stratch the VAF out so that the end or where you want your particles to come together is the center of the VAF - use attentuation to control how fast it comes to the center.C