hi at all!
I've rendered a series of images in 3dsmax using a camera that turns around a single object in the center of the scene.
Important is that the camera turns along a semi-sphere object. It means that (once merged the images in a flash or quicktime movie file) I can explore the object both vertically and horizontally.
This is important because I wasn't able to find a software which can create an Object VR movie (not Panoramic VR) in both direction.
Apple softwares let me create just an horizontal exploration because it assumes that I take pictures with a digital camera on a tripod, and on the same way a lot of softwares available on the net.
The only one I've found is this one:
But it has limitation because if I excede an amount of RAM usage it crashes. This doesn't allow me to create smooth animation, but just "flickering" animation (due to the fact that I can use a limitated number of images)
I know there's also ths plugin by cebas for 3dsmax
But it isn't available a demo version to test, and spend 195euros in a blind way it's not what I prefer.
So, what I'm asking to you is an external software or an internal plugin to 3dsmax (to test also with a demo if it isn't freeware) that can:
-Create Object VR animation
-quicktime format but I'd prefer flash format
-able to support a big number of images for a smooth animation
-360° spherical animation both vertically and horizontally.
I thank you very very much for any kind of help.