Jun 2001
1 / 6
Jun 2001
Oct 2017

I'm using the Grass brushes in Paint Effects and when I render, the grass is black (you can see the blades and everything, just no color.) Everything else in the rendering is fine. I'm thinking it may be light linking weirdness, but I'm not figuring it out. Could someone help me out with this (I'm betting it's pretty simple, but I'm new to Paint Effects.)

  • created

    Jun '01
  • last reply

    Oct '17
  • 5


  • 4.4k


  • 3


  • 2


I don't think you can link lights to the paintFX. PFX responds to all lights in the scene. Select the grass and open the attribute editor and click on tab that is the brush description. There are some settings there for Lighting. Make sure Illuminated and Real Lights are checked.

---a note from our sponsor---
Have you tried searching highend3d?


Hey, thanks for the help. I had those both turned on but just tried turning them off after reading your post to see what would happen. Guess what - it worked. I don't know why, but having them off allows me to render the grass perfectly. Whatever works, I guess.

Yeah.. you can use the local lighting model for PaintFX. It's stillw eird that it's not receiving light from your lightsources although the local lighting may serve you better anyway.

---a note from our sponsor---
Have you tried searching highend3d?


16 years later

I've got the same problem with maya paint effect. I deleted the render layer and add them to a new render layer with a light. It works now.

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