I tried looking for someone with a similar situation but could find any posts. The issue i'm having is I have a field of particles (stars in space) that collide with a plane. Essentially the plane passes thru the field and as the collision occurs the starzz die and a new particle comes into place and does its thing. So to break it down... Paticle1 collides with plane1 and particles2 is generated and travels off into its animation. Everything more or less works fine, the only problem i'm having is that particle1 starts to die off before the plane collides with all the particles. I have the particle1 lifetime set to live forever, so i'm not sure why they are just dying off. When I uncheck "original particle dies," particle one lives forever.... soon as i check it back on again.... particle1 behaves as if it has a constant lifespan.
Maya 2011...Intel Mac.... Snow leopard 10.6.2