Hi. There are 2 issues: as far as i know you can not straight up make geometry trough scripts and there are no neighbour points command in maya.
First thing i would do is implement neighbour points procedure to find closest point to a given point from list. Then I would parse file A into python list, get first point and 2 closest, remove them from list, make a basic plane, delete one of its vertices and move resulting ones to position i got from list.
Now you need to store edges of your mesh in new list, and for every edge from list: get middle point, get neighbour point from middle one from list and check if there are no closer vertices on mesh (if it is - you need to make polygon between current edge and that vertex) use polyAppend to make new vertex between edge and point.
That concludes creation of mesh
Then you just lerp trough verticies with pos from A to pos from B trough frames