would like to share PV(done as a personal project) of my web comic INEVITABLE WORLD SHIFTAny your comments and critiques would be appreciated.Thank you
My Youtube channelhttps://www.youtube.com/user/MinaseSouya?sub\_confirmation=1
:same video on Vimeo http://vimeo.com/108034862:same video on NiconicoDouga http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm24615756:same video on my HP http://minase-souya.sakura.ne.jp/InevitableWorldShift\_PV1.html
This animated film is made as PV of my web comic.Link to 100 pages comic released on my HP.http://minase-souya.sakura.ne.jp/2dcg/comic\_UB\_ep001\_ver200\_jp\_htmlVer/comic\_UB\_ep001\_ver200\_jp\_htmlVer\_p001.html
"CGtracking",which is one of most popular website cgi related artists in Japan checks daily,picked up the PV for the 2014 Nov 10's article.http://cgtracking.net/archives/29526