would like to know if i can call ray3 from prompt in standard commercial, XSI 3??
or do i need to buy another license??
mental ray stand alone batch universal?
Well , i just write my problem here:
Well, my real problem is: i,m used to Maya
1 : to render sub windows,i type the following IN SCRIPT EDITOR
} get_RenderRegions( 6000, 6000, 3, 3, "pane", "C:tempballs.mb" );
2: Then, script editor gives me ,the 9 following command:
Render -x 6000 -y 6000 -xl 0 -xr 1999 -yl 0 -yh 1999 -im pane_0 C:tempballs.mb
Render -x 6000 -y 6000 -xl 0 -xr 1999 -yl 2000 -yh 3999 -im pane_1 C:tempballs.mb
Render -x 6000 -y 6000 -xl 0 -xr 1999 -yl 4000 -yh 5999 -im pane_2 C:tempballs.mb
Render -x 6000 -y 6000 -xl 2000 -xr 3999 -yl 0 -yh 1999 -im pane_3 C:tempballs.mb
Render -x 6000 -y 6000 -xl 2000 -xr 3999 -yl 2000 -yh 3999 -im pane_4 C:tempballs.mb
Render -x 6000 -y 6000 -xl 2000 -xr 3999 -yl 4000 -yh 5999 -im pane_5 C:tempballs.mb
Render -x 6000 -y 6000 -xl 4000 -xr 5999 -yl 0 -yh 1999 -im pane_6 C:tempballs.mb
Render -x 6000 -y 6000 -xl 4000 -xr 5999 -yl 2000 -yh 3999 -im pane_7 C:tempballs.mb
Render -x 6000 -y 6000 -xl 4000 -xr 5999 -yl 4000 -yh 5999 -im pane_8 C:tempballs.mb
3: so i type each line in A DOS prompt(after having closed maya)
4: I,ve got in the right directory mayaimages; all of the 9 images that ,i can fix after in phsp ,with high res.(that,s my main problem)
THIS process in maya ,works as long as, MEntal Ray ,is not concerned; so,if i have saved a file withMR renderer (with caustics,Gi,....)
I can,t do that!!!!
so, this my question !
if i call ray 3 from XSI 3 (is that possible in standard,), could i type
window xl,yl,xh,yh???? with files included caustics?GI......???
Could i make ,from the same scene ,as many subregions that ,i want???
hope my english is no too bad