Dec 2002
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Dec 2002
Dec 2002

Anybody using this with maya or at all? I'm interested, I think.


Not I but i plan on getting a 9700 Pro soon and trying it with both Max and Maya.

Anyone have any experince with these ATI cards? Thanks

Radeon are really good.
The 9700 flies under DX8 in MAX, but it's almost at the same price than a mid-range pro card(Quadro4 700XGL, 3DLABS VP 870760).

Oh, also of note is that the 9700 Gold gets much better performance the the 9500 does and costs only like $20 more. Then you can get a 9700 PRO for about $20-30 on top of that. So it looks to me while i was originally planning on getting a 9500 it just makes more sense to get at the very least a 9700 Gold or perhaps even a 9700 PRO.

Best prices i have found are on

On ebay you can get some really great deals but the bidding is a huge pain in the ass and sometimes you don't save much. However, the POTENTIAL is there. Perhaps things will calm down enough to get some great deals after the Christmas buying frenzy is over. I hope so anyway.

The best price I could find on the 9500 pro was $160 while the best I could do on the 9700 was around $300. Tom's hardware had a review in which the 9500 compared favorably with the gf4 4600 and was quite a bit cheaper. I figure that for the difference in price will make it easier to upgrade cards in a couple of years, easier for me to justify it that is. I was just curious if anyone else had any experience with the card so I didn't buy one semi-blind.


At this point i'm seriously considering getting a GF4 TI4200. They run about $140 (dirt cheap huh?) and then upgrading to a R350 or a GF FX in a couple of months.

Then i'm building a dual XEON box. But that will be late Winter or early Spring.