Ive been having troubles with windows not refreshing on monitor 2 of my setup. Im running a 21" NEC and an old 15", on a Geforce 4 TI4600. i have this prob on all my systems, so i dont think its a hardware shortcoming or failure of anykind. I dont think its the refresh rate limitations of the 15" either, because i have another system running dual 21" NEC monitors. In addition to this, one of my friends is having the same prob with his dual 19's. All these systems are running ti4600's excpet for one running a 4400. I had maya installed before and didnt have any probs, maybe i adjusted a setting i forgot about, and when i built my new system, i forgot to reset it. The Hypershader and object view windows are especially a problem, they will not refresh at all. Any help would be greatly appreciated.