well, that's what you get for buying an old unsupported software that used to be 5000bucks for 500 ![]()
seriously, i'm pretty disappointed myself about apple not even fixing the most basic problems (such as quicktime), but then again, i'm happy that it's affordable.
when the first render crashed, did you run 10.5.5 already? any other changes since then?
QUOTE(vfxHenchman @ 09/30/08, 04:43 PM) [snapback]292594[/snapback]
So can .h files effect rendering even if they are not in tree of footage being rendered?
yes, they can contain other info but macros.. and they can even prevent the app to start.
Would I have been better off with an Nvidia graphics card, if it was available for this particular iMac?
possibly, but who knows.. i doubt it's a graphic card issue though (did you try the command line render of a simple ramp->brightness->fileouttodesktop.#.jpeg script?)
And should a simple render really be this complicated (fully understanding that Shake is a powerful and complex program)?
the render is not complicated at all, all you're having is a config/compability issue.
The console tab in Shake shows no errors during Shake launch other than some .h files are not being loaded (ones not used in composite being rendered).
well, that means you dont have a clean install..
did those .h files come from the linux machine?
rename the nreal folder in your home directory to nreal-old, and restart shake. also delete your cache folder (forgot where it is by default, check the manual /tmp/xxx maybe)
I fully appreciate any responses to my post so far, and yes haven't tried all suggestions yet, but my desire to become an IT expert is low LOL as apposed to my desire to do compositing which is high. Maybe the 2 are synonymous with each other, boy I hope not.
well, if you get to more demanding jobs very helpful if you know some basic scripting. but speaking from my experience, yes, trouble shooting computer problems is part of the job (maybe if you have a really big shop there's somebody there to do it for you).
if you cant find the problem, i'd take an old firewire drive, install a clean system, a shake, and check if renders work.
i know it sounds silly, but it hardly takes half an hour (and you can grab some coffee while doing it).
if yes, you know that it's just a config issue and can try to troubleshoot (or just use that system for comping). if no, you know it's a system problem and you should consider using an older OSX version
++ c.