hi guys,

I was hoping someone out there may be able to clear something up for me.

I am aiming to get our baking solution with xsi rendering on the farm. I have managed to get this working on the commandline using the bat file to point to a VB script, as follows:

Bat File:

  xsi -script "c:\scripts\rendermap.vbs"

Script (rendermap.vbs):

  OpenScene "d:\sue\xsi\_files\rendermap\_farm\scenes\rendermap\_test.scn"

  SetCurrentPass "Passes.RenderMap\_Pass"

  RegenerateMaps "cube.RenderMap"

So my question is: Can you send the command "regenerate map" directly in the command line, like you would a pass? i.e not dependant on a script? I have searched right through the sdk and the documentation and this is the only method I could come up with. whilst this does work, I want to explore all avenues before proceeding with this method.

Eventually this script will be modified to work with Butterfly NetRender. Any other ideas/critiscisms are welcomed and appreciated.

Many thanks in advance and hope you have a nice day.

kind regards,

Sue Williams