Hej all!
I recently changed to Maya 2013 (Student version) and I'm now trying to import a rhino model into maya to render it.
I keep getting the following error message:
// Warning: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/scripts/others/setWorkingDirectory.mel line 258: C:/Users/Gerald/Documents/Architektur/10. Semester/Creative Competition/Mayastuff/scenes is not a valid directory. Using C:/Users/Gerald/Documents/Architektur/10. Semester/Creative Competition/Mayastuff/ instead. // file -import -type "IGES_DC" -gr -ra true -rdn -mergeNamespacesOnClash false -rpr "FlexispaceTEST00" -pr -loadReferenceDepth "all" "C:/Users/Gerald/Documents/Architektur/10. Semester/Creative Competition/Mayastuff/FlexispaceTEST00.igs";// Error: Failed to find translator. // // Error: // // Error: line 0: Error reading file. //
I have been trying to figure out if the problem is related to the file path, name, or size but no luck so far ...
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance,