Just though I would post a model I did ove the last few weeks, as I am practicing/learning my texturing with my dragon I just had to do some more modelling.
It is ready for texturing, but I have decided to seperate the door from the hull and model the door frame and just inside the door as I will hopefully be using this model in final composite with myself or a friend stepping out of it. I need to practice abit with coverting from poly's to Sub D's and back again though as on some areas of the hull appears faceted where it is supposed to be smooth.
A friend of mine (Hornet) also passed some quick mock up test renders to me tonight.
RegardsLittle Mick
It looks like you might have skimped a little on the textures- the whole scene really looks like a small scale model, not very realistic. maybe youi could adjust the lighting, its a little harsh- got that space 1999 feel to it