Has anyone played with the satellite rendering at all?
We've set it up here, and I've tested it pretty extensively, so I know the connections all work and everything, but I found one really really bad problem:
If one of the machines hangs on a frame, the entire render will just stop!
At least that's the experience I've had so far.
I set off a render using our shiny new satellite setup and was all hopeful I'd see some sort of time savings, but I came in today to check on it, and it apparently rendered for about 45 minutes and just stopped. No errors, no CPU action, nothing.
My only guess is something happened in the network to cause a hiccup in the connection for just long enough to hang the node. Apparently, since this is tiled images and not true distributed rendering, the master machine will just patiently wait for the slave to return it's little chunk of the image regardless of how long it takes.
I was so hopeful we'd be able to have some modest relief from our rendering troubles, but I guess that's not to be.
Since it's Sunday, I can't get in touch with support, so I'm just hoping someone out there might have a solution for me . . .