Seeking a Maya "envelope" utility node - Maya - Highend3d Artists Discussion Forums

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Hello. My first post here. Hope I did everything right.

Can anyone let me know if there is such a thing in Maya as this: an "envelope" node that operates on input values and multiplies these values by a scalar value specified in a slider? This would be similar to typical deformer nodes like blendshapes, in which all blendshape weights can be multiplied by the 'envelope' attribute. Except that instead of deformer values, this "envelope" node would accept an arbitrary number of inputs, envelope them, and spit out the multiplied values.

I have about 20 attributes from separate nodes that need to be multiplied by a single value. I could use 20 Multiply/Divide nodes to do this (or 7 of them if I use all xyz inputs), but this is an ugly solution. I seek elegance! Thanks for your help.

  • created

    Jul '17
  • last reply

    Jul '17
  • 1


  • 1.2k


  • 2


You can use one multiply divide node and hook it up to all the attributes you want. you can drive one of the values with a luminence slider to give the 0 to 1 multiplier to one of the two multiply inputs, and set the other at whatever your top multiply range should be. You can script thew whole thing to apply to a character by prefix if you are so inclined and make proper use of naming conventions.

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Seeking a Maya "envelope" utility node - Maya - Highend3d Artists Discussion Forums

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