I've recently been having real problems getting my renderfarm up and running and needed to get some help.
Initially, I had xsi advanced and six mental ray licenses installed on a server machine. All checked out fine. Machine names were added to rayhost file and tried to render my scenes. It would always do around three or four tiles and then quit saying fatal error using the interface. Command line bombed out too.
I then requested that the mental ray licenses be changed to 3 XSI Batch licenses since I thought this would be easier to maintain and use rather than having to deal with MI files. However, whenever I render on the master machines, the renderfarm machines do nothing. I have looked in the manuals and on the softimage site and there is nothing about setting up Batch that I could see which is really terrible.
I have tried everything and am really tired of having to look through web forums as an only means of getting some kind of answer. I am surprised and disappointed with the lack of documentation to help with this kind of setup. Basically, it really annoying trying to find out how to get something to work which should be a lot easier to do.
I hope someone can help! Thanks