Hey Shydo, thanks for the help, seems you put some effort in. I really appreciate that!
I've had to put it on hold for a while though as i'm now in my final year and my dissertation/research and project are taking over. I'm also trying to improve in after effects and learn cinema4d a little more as the maya-ae workflow isn't great for motion.
This project was a big learning curve for me but i've really enjoyed it. There's still an infinite amount i need to learn in maya but i'm sure it will come.
I was thinking about the welds, wasn't quite sure how to tackle them though!
I was also going to model an engine and have a full turntable of the car covering it all in detail as it is precisely modelled with a lot of detail, so why not show it off. Never really thought about the camera moves either, i just did what i thought looked good but i will take that into consideration when i get back to this project. Hopefully it wont be too long!
Thanks again.