I followed some simple steps from the caustic tutorial here "http://www.skol.ch/tutorials/caustics.htm#" and got this desired results and the render time was roughly one minute. However, I decided to begin adding more elements to the scene. I needed a textured grid to appear atop my cube that has the caustic effect. After adding this simple grid with texture image and a point light the render time for one frame goes over ten minutes. In fact I didnt wait beyond that. A message appears at the bottom saying "warning no photons stored after emitting 1000" . At this point the preview window/render region just sits there. Progress bar at lower right indicates 0% rendered.
This is a simple scene. Floor grid, cube, sphere encompassing scene, second grid with image, spot light emitting caustics, point light. Why is this scene having an issue rendering. I have started from scratch and had this same problem over and over. I am using the same rendering settings as the tutorial listed above and they work great until i add another light and some simple objects.
Thanks in advance,