Am I missing something... I've followed the steps you laid out, but all I get is a white box. here's the steps I took
fluidEmitter -pos 0 0 0 -type omni -der 1 -her 1 -fer 1 -fdr 2 -r 100.0 -cye none -cyi 1 -mxd 1 -mnd 0 ;
// Result: fluidEmitter1 //
connectDynamic -em fluidEmitter1 fluidShape1;
// Result: fluidShape1 //
setAttr fluidShape1.solver 2;
setAttr "fluidShape1.opacity[0].opacity_FloatValue" 0.5;
setAttr "fluidShape1.opacity[1].opacity_FloatValue" 0.52;
setAttr fluidShape1.dropoffShape 0;
setAttr fluidShape1.resolution 30 10 10;
setAttr fluidShape1.resolution 30 30 10;
setAttr fluidShape1.resolution 30 30 30;
setAttr "fluidShape1.dimensionsW" 10;
// Press the ESC key to stop playback
currentTime 14 ;
that's up to step 5 and it's just a white box. I've messed with diffent settings, for the past 45 minutes trying to get it, but I can't get the spring-mesh solver to be anything but a box...
I'm useing Maya 5, is that a fix in 6 possibly?