You can copy the script in the maya scripts folder in my documents and then source it without specifying directories and stuff.Directly parse the script name and .mel extension to source command.
OOOR use eval
from maya docs :
It is important for advanced MEL users to understand that "source" is not a MEL command. It is a directive that tells the interpreter what to compile and execute. If a script has "source" directives in it, then all sourced files will be compiled at the same time as the script. This will happen regardless of where the source directive appears in the file. And, if the script with the "source" directives is re-run, the sourced files will not be recompiled. It is possible to override this behavior by enclosing the source directive inside of an "eval" statement.
// Block 4. Demonstrate how make source recompile each time using an "eval"
// statement
print( "Before first source\n" );
eval( "source \"./sourceTest\"" );
// sourceTest.mel was executed
print( "Between sources\n" );
writeFile( "./sourceTest.mel", "print \"sourceTest.mel has been changed\n\";");
eval( "source \"./sourceTest\"");
// sourceTest.mel has been changed
print( "After second source\n" );
Hope it helps ![]()