The scene:
I have a spotlight, a Cloud like Fluid (only Texture, no grid used ... e.g. like the StormyCloud example), a partiVol as atmosphere (tried fluid as atmosphere - doesn't match my goals) and a nurbs plane as ground. I animate the position of the light and texture time of the fluid. Rendering with Raytracing w/o scanline & w/o shadow maps (quite fast with good BSP settings).
Fluid: cast/receive shadows, shading quality 3, AdaptiveJittered, smooth, Depth max 8
Spotlight: Raytraced Shadows, no LightRadius (takes too long to render), 1 shadow ray, ray depth limit 4
Rendering of some frames (even 3 would be enough to make visible the Jumping Shads) and animating them, the shadows from the clouds are jumping on the ground from frame to frame.
- Removing the expressions for the light and fluid (so they are static during the frames) doesn't remove the problem. Shadows still jumping.
- Increasing the Shading Quality of the Fluid or the raytracing settings in render settings (up to 5 5 10 8) doesn't help either

Dec '06
last reply
Dec '06
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