Apr 2000
1 / 10
Apr 2000
Sep 2022

Hi guys need your help again.
I wanted to know if its possible to have maya recognize that two objects are solid and thusly make it so that the object can not pass through each other but will rather stop or colide or ride along the surface with friction. If not I need to make sure that as this object rotates it always stay along the ground. How to I keep the object moving and rotating while insuring its not floating in space.

d e r e k . t h o m a s . m o z e r

  • created

    Apr '00
  • last reply

    Sep '22
  • 9


  • 7.5k


  • 6


Ok kwel sounds like you know what you are talking about. I am knew at this program. I have had experience with 3d studio max and alias but only really for modeling and texturing. Where are expressions and how do I use em?


d e r e k . t h o m a s . m o z e r

for the colisions you could use the wonderful maya feature:
rigid body
Turn your objects into active or passive rigid bodies (depends on what you need) and maya will take care of all the colisions. There are lots of setting there, so...just try it out yourself. You can add fields too, they work just cool.
I think its easier to understand how it works with an easy setup, like, for example, 2 balls that fall on a plane...use a gravity field and maybe a newton or uniform field to control the direction of the balls
hope this helps

I'm not much of a dynamics head yet , but I've had a similar problem . Is there any way to set up an "avoidance feild" over a certain amount of area around an object so that even if you're set up a complex animation the object will correct for it? Anyway to set up an aviodance on a per particle basis? Like the ball particle shape for example?
Heres somthing : I made a record player explode by taking the mutpile shatter peices and turning each into an instance emitter , worked great except for the fact that some peices passed through each other as the particles emitted; I would have loved for each to avoid each other. I did correct for it and the aninimation moved so fast you couldn't tell , but I'd stil like to know how to do that.

"..you know, its hard to get people to pay you to make dancing robots.."

try to turn ur objects into rigid bodies before attach them to an emiter. They will not avoid eachother, but they will colide and bounce away.
I guess you realy need some mel thing for precise behaviour.

I've had soft bodies repel each other using an outward radial field. This could work for some other things, but the only way to really do an "avoidance field" would be to set up constraint equations limiting particle or object motion in relation to other particle and object motions. ILM did this for the crowd in the pod race scene. It's an interesting idea.

THATS EXACTLY what I want , mmm, guess I'll have to go to programming class after all:) I've tried the rigy thing but with tons of instanced particles being emmited , it would not evaluate correctly.

"..you know, its hard to get people to pay you to make dancing robots.."

"..you know, its hard to get people to pay you to make dancing robots.."

21 years later

So, how is going your programming class bro ? just to know if you find a solution after all this time. Because 22 years later i'm here with the same question.

5 months later

closed Sep 9, '22

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