I don't seem to be getting the buttons to show up yet 
Here's what I've been doing so far.
If it helps you visualize what I'm trying to do, I'm making a Mickey Mouse character. Because he's a cartoon character, I want him to have a somewhat flat look. So what I did was "Get/Material/Lambert" while I had the polygons selected via raycasting. I would do that for the hands, body, head, feet, legs etc... Each time I would add a material, I would do the same thing, "Get/Material/Lambert."
I did not add a texture map or projection while adding the materials to him.
I did try what you mentioned, doing a render/modify/texture/add image yet I was unable to get anything to show up in the renderview.
I didn't add the mix2color node because the diffuse_blend/ambient_blend was in place allready.
For texture projection, I was using UV spherical xy and I even scaled it down and translated it to the area I was going for.
I'm a powerhouse when it comes to Softimage but the texturing differences between the 2 are out of this world 
I'd really REALLY appreciate it if you could help me walk through this.
If you find it easier, I'm available as well on Microsoft messenger at ffasse@hotmail.com or ICQ at 5682277
Thanks for your help so far. It's been only 1 week for me with XSI