Bonjour hjaltip,
You say that all your objects have the same material and the same texture... Do you mean that they all have their own material and texture but the same one, or do you mean that they actually share one material and texture?
To make several objects share one material and texture, group them, and apply those material and texture to the group.
Also, are your textures big (like 2k and more?) If so, you can create memory-mapped textures. They will render much faster, altough the first frame will take longer. To create those memory-mapped textures, do the following:
-Open the XSI command prompt
-Browse to the folder where your big textures are
-Type the following command:
imf_copy -p filename.pic map
Do this for every big texture file. This will create a .map file, with the same name as your texture file, twice the size of the .pic file. Now when you render the renderer will take the .map file instead of the .pic file. You should see improvements in your render times.
The only problem is that if you make changes to the texture, you have to recreate the .map file.
Hope this helps
Bernard Lebel